Interesting Article
08 November 2023

Why Do We Have to Repeat the Same Work Every Day?

In an era where technology and artificial intelligence (AI) play a crucial role in our work and supply chain management, we must ask ourselves: why do we continue to perform repetitive tasks day in and day out? If we can harness the power of AI to assist in managing supply chains and repetitive tasks, people stand to gain significantly, not just in terms of time and effort saved, but also through improved efficiency and effectiveness in their work.

AI can perform repetitive tasks tirelessly without needing breaks, experiencing fatigue, or working under stressful conditions. This is a critical characteristic when managing complex supply chains that require 24/7 attention. AI systems can process and evaluate supply chain data faster and more accurately than humans, and they can alert us to issues or errors in real-time, allowing us to make corrections before significant damage occurs. Moreover, using AI reduces the human workload and frees up more time for valuable and creative activities.

The use of Microsoft's Power Platform, a low-code platform, by CRL is a prime example of how technology can streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and minimize manual labor. Setting the goal for Power Platform to reach every department within CRL is not only about reducing the workload but also about promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration. When everyone in the organization has the opportunity to learn and use these new tools that support more practical work, process improvement becomes second nature and fosters efficient cross-functional workflows.

Therefore, with technology that can replace us in repetitive tasks and harness the capabilities of both intelligence and technology, we should leverage this to its fullest extent. This will enhance the efficiency and quality of supply chain management at CRL and its partners, both in the present and in the future. Whether we are managers or employees, each one of us can be part of this transformative journey, embracing AI technology to help us grow and continuously develop.
