Interesting Article
05 March 2024

CRL and EV

At present, the PM 2.5 dust problem is a big problem that everyone is affected by. The logistics industry is considered one of the industries that produce and emit greenhouse gases, which are the leading cause of climate problems into the atmosphere. According to Climate Watch data from the World Resource Institute, the transportation and Global logistics is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, accounting for approximately 16% of all greenhouse gas emissions, with road transport accounting for the largest share.

The shift to electric vehicles in the transportation and logistics industry has many supporting factors, including investors' focus on the environment, which has caused the business sector to adjust its business activities. Seriously, in addition, using electric cars is not only good for the environment. It can also help reduce business operations costs for the company by reducing both fuel and maintenance costs. Benefits of using EV vehicles

CRL has given importance to being a part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. and reduce the impact on the environment

Therefore, electric vehicles have been used, which is an important method that can help reduce the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. that can arise from transportation and logistics activities In transporting goods to branches in Bangkok and surrounding areas Starting from 2022 And there are plans to expand the use of EV cars, motorcycles, 4-wheel, 6-wheel and 14-wheel trucks even more.

The use of electric vehicles in the logistics industry will have a good growth trend. But how can it be completely upgraded to eco-friendly logistics? It may take time regarding battery technology. and charging station to support long-distance transportation No need to waste transportation time stopping to charge. and increase the location of charging stations to adequately cover the travel route.

Maneethip P.